Oracle merge into 命令用法
SQL #oracle2012-09-01 10:54
作用:merge into 解决用B表跟新A表数据,如果A表中没有,则把B表的数据插入A表;当处理大数据量是,该方法的效率很高。
MERGE INTO [your table-name] [rename your table here]
USING ( [write your query here] )[rename your query-sql and using just like a table]
ON ([conditional expression here] AND [...]...)
WHEN MATHED THEN [here you can execute some update sql or something else ]
WHEN NOT MATHED THEN [execute something else here ! ]
merge into data_complaint_day_test2 s using (select seq_id, handle_date, V_COMPLAINT_TYPE, STATISTICS_LEVEL, feedback_date, node, done_date, finished_date, handle_workgroup, v_dept_name, v_area, n_sh_complaint from data_complaint_day_test t where t.rowid in (select max(b.rowid) from data_complaint_day_test b group by (b.seq_id))) t on (s.seq_id = t.seq_id ) when matched then update set s.handle_date = t.handle_date, s.service_req_type = t.v_complaint_type, s.user_level = t.STATISTICS_LEVEL, s.feedback_date = t.feedback_date, s.node = t.node, s.done_date = t.done_date, s.finished_date = t.finished_date, s.handle_workgroup = t.handle_workgroup, s.v_dept_name = t.v_dept_name, s.v_area = t.v_area when not matched then insert ( s.seq_id, s.handle_date, s.service_req_type, s.user_level, s.feedback_date, s.node, s.done_date, s.finished_date, s.handle_workgroup, s.v_dept_name, s.v_area, s.n_sh_complaint) values ( t.seq_id, t.handle_date, t.V_COMPLAINT_TYPE, t.STATISTICS_LEVEL, t.feedback_date, t.node, t.done_date, t.finished_date, t.handle_workgroup, t.v_dept_name, t.v_area, t.n_sh_complaint);where t.rowid in (select max(b.rowid) from data_complaint_day_test b group by (b.seq_id))
因为在data_complaint_day_test 表中会出现seq_id字段相同的记录,这里只取一条
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