Python #定时关机2012-11-25 22:29
import os,time; rh=int(time.strftime("%H",time.localtime())); rm=int(time.strftime("%M",time.localtime())); cmd="cmd.exe /k shutdown -s -t 0"; c1=True; while c1: try: h=int(raw_input("Please input the hour:")); if h>=0 and h<=23: c1=False; else: continue; except: continue; c2=True; while c2: try: m=int(raw_input("Please input the minute:")); if m>=0 and m<=59: c2=False; else: continue; except: continue; if h==rh: if m<=rm: os.system(cmd); else: time.sleep((m-rm)*60); os.system(cmd); elif h>rh: tem1=(h-rh-1)*3600+(60-rm+m)*60; time.sleep(tem1); os.system(cmd); else: tem2=(23-rh+h)*3600+(60-rm+m)*60; time.sleep(tem2); os.system(cmd);
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